Stargazing Success: A Community Event to Remember

On a clear evening, with the stars perfectly aligned, our community came together for an unforgettable night of astronomy, warmth, and fun. Funded by the Ogden Trust, the event saw students from all six partnership secondary schools—Hove Park, PACA, Patcham, BACA, Longhill, and Cardinal Newman—gather for an evening of stargazing and celestial exploration. With telescopes… Read more

Inspiring Young Minds: Girls in STEM Event ‘Reach for the Stars’

Last Friday was a day of inspiration and discovery for eleven Year 8 students from Longhill, as they attended the ‘Reach for the Stars’ STEM trip at Hove Park School. The event aimed to empower young girls to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) through engaging workshops and activities. The students participated… Read more

Brighton Bowmen Host Sussex County Indoors Championships 2025

On 25/26 January 2025, Brighton Bowmen hosted the Sussex County Indoors Championships for archery, for the third year running, at Longhill Sports Centre. 136 archers gathered from across the county and beyond, from 10 years old upwards towards retired. Their skills ranged from beginners to former Olympic archers in attendance. Longhill’s facilities are great for accessibility purposes, with… Read more

Higher Education – Sussex University Programme

Fifteen Year 9 pupils from Longhill High School are embarking on a transformative journey as part of a three-year programme led by the Widening Participation team at Sussex University. The initiative aims to support learners from under-represented backgrounds in higher education, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to make informed decisions about their future…. Read more