GCSE Results Day 2023

Brighton and Hove Secondary Headteachers are jointly celebrating the achievements of our students. Schools have worked in partnership, closely and collaboratively, to ensure that every child in our city has access to a good education and is able to make strong progress. We take collective responsibility for a set of exams results that reflect great… Read more

Summer School 2023

On week commencing Monday 24th July 2023, we will be hosting a Summer School at Longhill High School. This will be the first time some of our new Year 7 students will meet each other, their Head of Year, House Co-ordinators, Mentors and it marks the beginning of a five year relationship. Moving from primary… Read more

Shanty Town Redevelopment – Geography

Posted in: Education, Latest News

Developing a town takes a great deal of planning and attention to detail. Year 7 students in Mrs Seabys Geography class, were tasked to help people of Dharavi (a slum in Mumbai, India) in the short and long-term. The class began watching a short documentary about the slum, noting down their observations about the housing,… Read more

A Sprinkle of Sugar – Food Technology

Posted in: Education, Latest News

In Food Technology this week, Ms Ardis taught our Year 7 students how to make American Pancakes. In pairs Students took turns weighting and measuring ingredients, mixing it into a batter and frying them on a pan. The difficulty is trying to achieve the right thickness of mixture and heating the pan at the correct… Read more