Goldsmiths, University of London Trip

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Twelve Year 9 students have been selected to take part in The Scholars Programme – an academic programme run by The Brilliant Club, an organisation which aims to widen access for outstanding pupils to the U.K’s most selective universities. The group have been assigned Louise Elali, a PhD tutor from the University of Sussex who… Read more

Amazon ‘Get IT’ Trip

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As part of the AWS GET IT project, a group of seven year 8 students enjoyed an action packed boot camp trip to the Amazon head office in London. Once inside the impressive 15 story building, they joined 100 other students from a range of schools in the South East region. The day included a… Read more

Maths Trip to University of Brighton (Session 2 of 3)

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It was yet another fantastic gathering of maths enthusiast at Brighton University on the 5th of October. This session organised by the University was particularly interesting as students were discovering how mathematical skills have been used to achieve the victory of Lord Nelson and the British Royal Navy in the battle of Trafalgar in 1805…. Read more

Students Inspired by Arty Day in London

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On a sunny Wednesday last month, a group of art students travelled by coach to London for a double treat when they visited firstly the Saatchi Gallery in Chelsea, followed by the Victoria and Albert Museum in Knightsbridge. Year 9 student Abi told us about the trip, starting with the Saatchi Gallery. “We had a… Read more